Resort Responsibility Code
1. Stay in control.
2. People ahead have right of way.
3. Stop in a safe place for you and others.
4. When starting downhill or merging, LOOK uphill and yield.
5. Use devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
6. Observe signs and warnings, and keep off closed trails.
7. Know how to use lifts safely.

Backcountry Hazards
White Out
White outs can occur suddenly and can become a serious hazard, In case of a white out, you should:
• Stay close in your group and move slowly
• Always know where you are
• Stay in range of trees and rocks to have a reference
• Keep in mind that white outs make it impossible to estimate distance, steepness and obstacles. If possible it might be a good idea to stay where you are and let the white out pass
Cornices are overhanging formations of windblown snow on a ridge or on the crest of a mountain. The overhang can be unstable and hard to see from the windward side. Cornices are extremely dangerous and riding above, below or even jumping off these should be avoided.
Ice Monkeys
Ice monkeys are accumulations of snow in the trees. They often freeze, forming solid blocks of ice which can fall at any given time and cause harm to anyone riding underneath. This is especially common on warmer days when the snow starts to melt. We always recommend wearing a helmet while riding in the trees, and be sure to avoid them.
Tree wells & SIS (Snow Immersion Suffocation)
A tree well is a void or depression formed around the base of a tree which can contain a mix of low hanging branches, loose snow and air. SIS (snow immersion suffocation) accidents can happen when a snow sporter falls, usually head-first, into a tree well or deep loose snow, becomes trapped under the snow, and suffocates.
Travel Insurance
It is a condition of booking with Epic Snow Co on their tours that every tour guests take out adequate travel insurance cover, we cannot stress this enough!. Once your booking is contractual a full refund will no longer be available in the event that you have to cancel your ski holiday (see booking conditions for further information), we strongly advise you to take out a travel insurance policy at this time which provides comprehensive cover for losses including cancellation for circumstances which include bodily injury, financial difficulties, adverse weather conditions, force majeure and other unforeseen circumstances.