Aero plane food.
Late 2011 I was on my way back to The Northern hemisphere for my second full season in the Canadian Rockies. This one was going to be different. I spent the last 6 months working crazy long days to save as much as I could. I was doing a ski bum season! This was the dream. Halfway through my second flight, Auckland to Vancouver the long haul, I started to feel quezie in my stomach. “It’s ok I thought” “I’ve never had food poisoning” oh wasn’t I wrong.
I’ve never had food posing that I can remember and definitely in my adult life. Never had I grasped the full scale of what people meant when the say “it was coming out of both holes” but yep that’s where I was in the cramped aeroplane cubicle with it coming out of both ends. Not the nicest clean up. Geez I smelt.
But what did I eat? I’ve heard that it can take 6-12 hours to kick in, so I can only put it down to three meals. You know what it’s like when you fly- you get bored so you eat.
1st meal At the Brisbane airport with mum as she dropped us off i had a red roster roll, whether it was the dirty bird or not, I haven’t eaten it again.
2nd meal (most likely) the chicken and mash with beans. It had something sinister as it went down.
3rd meal the one that came up. Carbonara and a glass of red wine.
6 hours later at Vancouver airport I was dehydrated and out of it. Rather than going through the connecting flight gate I ended up in the taxi rank, lucky I had 3 hours to kill and that’s how long it took my tired ass to get back through check in and to the right gate. The flight to Calgary was just as bad, sitting next to the fattest person on earth who should have a row to themselves, giant fat filled arms bulging half way in to my personal space. I’m glad it was a short flight.
Still in a daze and feeling sick after 24 hours of travel and no sleep, I was sitting outside in the -10 degree air of Calgary airport waiting for my ride Big Ben and some random guy asked me if my name is Ben. This random was and is now my good friend Hamish.
All I wanted, was to sleep. All they wanted was a Christmas tree. Add another 3 hours to my travel and we are in Banff. A smelt like what I would imagine big foot would smell like and every one told me that to. It was 4 days until I felt normal and I missed one of the best pow days of the season. So what ever it was, was bad.
The moral of this story. Don’t get sick on the plane.
Benny V.