Embarking on a tour is a double-edged sword. They’re a great introduction to travelling in an unfamiliar region or country, especially if you are travelling solo, but can be limiting in choices and options. Plus you have to spend a lot of time in close quarters with complete strangers. So what are the dangers, and how do you know if a tour will be the right one for you? Here are the five biggest downsides of going on a traditional group tour when travel, along with the five best reasons to pick an Epic Snow tour. Fear #1 - Only visiting the most touristy sites We’ve all been there or seen it in action. Gigantic coaches rolling up to major tourism drawcards in a long line, each spewing 40-80 passengers out onto the footpath, cameras around their necks, marching off after their assigned bright umbrella or flag wielding tour guide. They jump the queue to the groans of the masses of patiently waiting individual travellers who, despite pre-booking, will now only be able to catch a faraway glimpse of what they came to see. Meanwhile, if you’ve been on one of these tours, yes, you get an expedited view of the tourist hotspots, but it is a sanitised, filtered version. It lacks authenticity. You know you will leave this place without any real insight into the people who live there, their daily lives, or how their culture differs from your own. Epic Snow Tour Love #1 - All The Hidden Gems and Secret Spots Whether we’re snowboarding through secret fresh powder runs, creating unique jumps in the metres deep fresh snow in the backyard, challenging you to a karaoke sing-off, or taking you to our favourite 10 seater sake bar or a local sumo tournament, your experience will
Embarking on a tour is a double-edged sword. They’re a great introduction to travelling in an unfamiliar region or country, especially if you are travelling solo, but can be limiting in choices and options. Plus you have to spend a lot of time in close quarters with complete strangers. So what are the dangers, and how do you know if a tour will be the right one for you? Here are the five biggest downsides of going on a traditional group tour when travel, along with the five best reasons to pick an Epic Snow tour. Fear #1 – Only visiting the most touristy sites We’ve all been there or seen it in action. Gigantic coaches rolling up to major tourism drawcards in a long line, each spewing 40-80 passengers out onto the footpath, cameras around their necks, marching off after their assigned bright umbrella or flag wielding tour guide. They jump the queue to the groans of the masses of patiently waiting individual travellers who, despite pre-booking, will now only be able to catch a faraway glimpse of what they came to see. Meanwhile, if you’ve been on one of these tours, yes, you get an expedited view